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Carefully selected from nature

Learn more about the magic of our skincare, uniquely formulated with over 92% natural ingredients to deliver gentle and effective results.

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Learn more about the magic of our skincare, uniquely formulated with over 92% natural ingredients to deliver gentle and effective results.

Discover our Ingredients

Our ingredients are uniquely formulated with the power of science to deliver visible benefits for skin. We use only high-quality natural ingredients grown in regions that provide an ideal environment for the plants to thrive and produce beneficial ingredients. Our scientists adhere to high standards of ingredient selection, formulation, and manufacturing, ensuring processes that retain the strength and purity of the ingredients. Check out our range of natural skincare products here.


sustainable ingredients

Natural at the core of our philosophy

Our commitment to providing the highest quality skincare begins with our ingredients. At Human+Kind, we believe in harnessing the power of nature to nurture your skin. That's why all our products are formulated with carefully selected natural ingredients, 92-99% of our formulations consist of these nourishing elements. From botanical extracts to plant-based oils, each ingredient is chosen for its efficacy and gentleness, ensuring that your skincare routine is as pure and wholesome as possible. Experience the difference that natural ingredients can make in your skincare regimen with Human+Kind.

Vegan guaranteed

Learn more about the magic of our ingredients - sourced from nature, uniquely formulated and scientifically proven to deliver realskin and hair care benefits.

Achmella Oleracea (organic).png__PID:1fadbff9-783f-4da3-8ca1-9e5d4f34de39
Achmella Oleracea (organic)

Achmella Oleracea helps to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and makes the skin look younger. The Achmella Oleracea plant is harvested in a pollution free environment through a supply chain which guarantees full traceability. Some people compare it to Botox, but without the toxic effects and without the need to inject it under the skin, making it an affordable and easy to apply herbal Botox replacement.

Althaea Officinalis Leaf_Root (Marshmallow) Extract.png__PID:de39b222-a14c-40c2-bf24-7851c12a9a69
Althaea Officinalis Leaf/Root (Marshmallow) Extract

Marshmallow has anti-inflammatory properties and helps in healing wounds, burns and alleviates skin irritations.

Aloe Barbadensis Extract (Aloe Vera).png__PID:4f34de39-b222-414c-a0c2-7f247851c12a
Aloe Barbadensis Extract (Aloe Vera)

Aloe barbadensis gel is a powerful moisturiser, which penetrates the skin supplying moisture directly to the tissues. It is renowned for its soothing and calming effect on skin problems. Aloe improves skin tone and colour by increasing the blood flow to the areas of application. It reduces skin redness, and works with other anti-inflammatory ingredients.

Avena Sativa (Oat) Kernel Extract.png__PID:39b222a1-4c20-427f-a478-51c12a9a690d
Avena Sativa (Oat) Kernel Extract

The active components present in Avena Sativa have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and moisturizing characteristics which help to soothe, smooth and nourish skin. It can be used in hair care products to improve condition and manageability. Avena Oat Oil is recommended for all hair types.

Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Flower Extract.png__PID:247851c1-2a9a-490d-abbf-37efcb3cfa52
Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Flower Extract

Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Flower Extract is the oil distilled from the dried flower heads of Matricaria Recutita. It is used as a skin-conditioning agent, aids cell renewal and has a calming and soothing effect on the skin and scalp. It invigorates hair growth and leaves hair feeling moisturised and manageable.

Betula Alba Bark (Birch) Extract.png__PID:22a14c20-c27f-4478-91c1-2a9a690d2bbf
Betula Alba Bark (Birch) Extract

Contains salicylate, the compound found in aspirin. Salicylate relieves inflammation. The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory actions of birch bark support its traditional uses in skin disorders such as eczema.

Bambusa (Bamboo) Arundicea Stem Extract.png__PID:b222a14c-20c2-4f24-b851-c12a9a690d2b
Bambusa (Bamboo) Arundicea Stem Extract

is used as a mild, effective scrub as well as an emollient which can help restore elasticity and suppleness to the skin. It helps to sweep away dead skin cells and clarify pores for a brighter smoother complexion.

Broccoli Extract.png__PID:a14c20c2-7f24-4851-812a-9a690d2bbf37
Broccoli Extract

Contains sulforaphane which reduces the inflammation caused by UV damage.

Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea) Butter.png__PID:4c20c27f-2478-41c1-aa9a-690d2bbf37ef
Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea) Butter

Shea butter is a natural moisturiser which prevents dermal irritation and aids in skin regeneration. It is suitable for particularly dry skin. It works as an anti-inflammatory helping to soothe itchy, irritated or sunburned skin and helps the skin to retain moisture.

Centaurea (Cornflower) Cyanus Flower Water.png__PID:c27f2478-51c1-4a9a-a90d-2bbf37efcb3c
Centaurea (Cornflower) Cyanus Flower Water

helps to soften skin leaving it silky to the touch. It has a soothing effect on the skin due to its excellent anti-inflammatory properties.

Calendula Officinalis Flower (Marigold) Oil.png__PID:20c27f24-7851-412a-9a69-0d2bbf37efcb
Calendula Officinalis Flower (Marigold) Oil

Calendula has excellent anti-inflammatory properties for skin. It is ideal where tissue degeneration is an issue - such as stubborn wounds, sores, acne, ulcers, bed sores, varicose veins, bruises, rashes, eczema etc.

Centella Asiatica Extract.png__PID:7f247851-c12a-4a69-8d2b-bf37efcb3cfa
Centella Asiatica Extract

Boosts circulation, improves the collagen foundation of the skin, and fights oxidation - thereby making it a superb ingredient for anti-ageing skin care products as well as improving skin firmness and elasticity.

Citrus Aurantium Dulcis (Sweet Orange) Oil.png__PID:7851c12a-9a69-4d2b-bf37-efcb3cfa52fa
Citrus Aurantium Dulcis (Sweet Orange) Oil

Sweet Orange Oil is known to help remove toxins from the skin and hair. It is helpful at soothing dry, irritated skin as well as acne-prone skin. Sweet orange oil in hair care helps to enhance blood circulation. This means that there is better nourishment for the hair follicles, which in turn helps to promote hair growth.

Cocos Nucifera Oil (Coconut Oil).png__PID:c12a9a69-0d2b-4f37-afcb-3cfa52fa7d1a
Cocos Nucifera Oil (Coconut Oil)

Extracted from the fresh fruit of the coconut palm Cocos Nucifera is not only delicious and healthy to eat but is high in protective antioxidants and antibacterial fatty acids. This ‘miracle’ oil of the Tropics suits all skin types and is light, non-greasy and rapidly absorbed giving deep hydration and conditioning to skin, scalp and hair. Research shows it can improve skin elasticity helping prevent premature ageing and wrinkle formation.

Cucumis sativus (Cucumber Extract).png__PID:2a9a690d-2bbf-47ef-8b3c-fa52fa7d1a5e
Cucumis sativus (Cucumber Extract)

Cucumis Sativus (Cucumber Extract) is known for its soothing and astringent effect. It is moisture binding, aids in removing dead skin cells, alleviates inflammations and irritants. It also tones and tightens skin.

Ficus Carica (Fig) Fruit Extract.png__PID:690d2bbf-37ef-4b3c-ba52-fa7d1a5e24c7
Ficus Carica (Fig) Fruit Extract

Fig extract is rich in vitamins and minerals and provides energy to the cells, while toning and regenerating the skin. Fig is said to be a rich nourishing treatment for hair and improves the hair and skin’s appearance.

Equisetum Arvense (Horsetail) Extract.png__PID:9a690d2b-bf37-4fcb-bcfa-52fa7d1a5e24
Equisetum Arvense (Horsetail) Extract

Equisetum Arvense (Horsetail) extract is high in silica, a trace mineral required by the body for glowing skin. Breakdown of connective tissue causes the skin to sag and develop wrinkles but silica rich Horsetail extract helps to strengthen connective tissue. It has healing properties so it helps to soothe cuts and improve dry skin conditions as well as having astringent properties which help to shrink pores and tone skin.

Glycine Soja Oil (Soya Oil).png__PID:0d2bbf37-efcb-4cfa-92fa-7d1a5e24c73f
Glycine Soja Oil (Soya Oil)

Soya bean oil contains many natural antioxidants. It helps to stimulate collagen production in skin which helps in the treatment of scarring and stretch marks. It also helps to reduce inflammation and increase elasticity. Its revitalizing and emollient properties make Soy Bean Oil particularly effective for skin that is undergoing change for example during pregnancy as the skin stretches.

Gossypium Herbaceum (Cotton) Seed Oil.png__PID:2bbf37ef-cb3c-4a52-ba7d-1a5e24c73f35
Gossypium Herbaceum (Cotton) Seed Oil

Cottonseed oil is pressed from the seeds of the cotton plant. It is rich in vitamin E, palmitic acid, oleic acid and linoleic acid. It is naturally anti-ageing and helps the skin to retain moisture.

Helianthus Annuus Hybrid Oil (Sunflower Oil).png__PID:37efcb3c-fa52-4a7d-9a5e-24c73f35a618
Helianthus Annuus Hybrid Oil (Sunflower Oil)

Very high in the antioxidant vitamins A, C and E which help prevent oxidative damage to your skin caused by free radicals. Vitamins C and E are also useful in the treatment of inflammation and skin conditions by speeding up the natural healing process. Sunflower oil also provides your skin with natural protection against bacterial infections.

Hydrolyzed Lupine Seed Extract.png__PID:cb3cfa52-fa7d-4a5e-a4c7-3f35a618b7ac
Hydrolyzed Lupine Seed Extract

Helps to revitalise and stimulate new hair growth for full thick hair.

Melaleuca Alternifolia (Tea Tree) Leaf Oil.png__PID:fa52fa7d-1a5e-44c7-bf35-a618b7ac1245
Melaleuca Alternifolia (Tea Tree) Leaf Oil

Melaleuca Alternifolia (Tea tree) leaf oil has anti-bacterial, anti-septic, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.. It can be used to help clear up acne, skin lesions and blemishes, cold sores, athlete’s foot, sunburn, fungal nail infections and infected wounds, while the balsamic properties of the oil soothe irritated and inflamed skin.

Lilium Candidum Bulb (White Lily) Extract.png__PID:3cfa52fa-7d1a-4e24-873f-35a618b7ac12
Lilium Candidum Bulb (White Lily) Extract

Limnanthes Alba (Meadowfoam) Seed Oil This is an exceptional moisturiser for dry, damaged or brittle hair as it prevents moisture loss. It also adds shine and volume to the hair.

Millet Seed Extract.png__PID:52fa7d1a-5e24-473f-b5a6-18b7ac1245f7
Millet Seed Extract

Millet Seed extract contains mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E that have regenerative and anti-inflammatory properties. It also contains silicic acid that promotes the formation of collagen and elastin while helping to retain moisture.

Olea Europaea (Olive) Leaf Extract.png__PID:fa7d1a5e-24c7-4f35-a618-b7ac1245f735
Olea Europaea (Oilive) Leaf Extract

Rich in oleanoic acid, flavonoids and a compound called secoiridoid oleuropein. These have significant benefits for skin conditions as they assist in the healing of wounds.

Persea Gratissima (Avocado Oil).png__PID:1a5e24c7-3f35-4618-b7ac-1245f7356f63
Persea Gratissima (Avocado Oil)

Avocado oil is rich and deeply penetrating. It has excellent emollient and skin healing properties. It contains an abundance of vitamins and is high in sterolins which help to reduce age spots. Avocado oil is used as a treatment for dry skin and itching making it an ideal remedy against skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. It also helps to smooth out stretch marks and wrinkles.

Oryza Sativa (Rice Bran Oil) and Oryza Sativa (Rice) Germ Oil.png__PID:7d1a5e24-c73f-45a6-98b7-ac1245f7356f
Oryza Sativa (Rice Bran Oil) and Oryza Sativa (Rice) Germ Oil

Oryza sativa (Rice Bran Oil) and Oryza sativa (Rice) Germ Oil are excellent for the scalp to promote healthy hair. Both ingredients are good for any skin type from oily to dry and help to provide softness and moisture to the hair without weighing it down.

Plukenetia Volubilis Seed Oil.png__PID:5e24c73f-35a6-48b7-ac12-45f7356f632a
Plukenetia Volubilis Seed Oil

Plukenetia Volubilis Seed Oil contains high doses of vitamins A and E and skin soothing amino acids which make it a powerful all natural antioxidant boosting ingredient.

Prunus Armeniaca (Apricot) Kernel Oil.png__PID:24c73f35-a618-47ac-9245-f7356f632ad0
Prunus Armeniaca (Apricot) Kernel Oil

The essential fatty acids contained in this oil help the skin to retain moisture and keep it hydrated without leaving an oily feel. It is easily absorbed and helps keep skin supple and soft. It is ideal for all skin types and sensitive skins.

Stellaria (Chickweed) Media Extract.png__PID:3f35a618-b7ac-4245-b735-6f632ad06872
Stellaria (Chickweed) Media Extract

Chickweed is particularly high in Vitamin C, GLA (gamma linolenic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid derivative), niacin, riboflavin (B2), thiamin (B1), beta carotene (A), magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, sodium, selenium, and silicon. It is known for its healing and skin soothing properties.

Rosa Rubiginosa (Rosehip) Seed Oil.png__PID:c73f35a6-18b7-4c12-85f7-356f632ad068
Rosa Rubiginosa (Rosehip) Seed Oil

Rosehip Seed Oil is high in Vitamins A and C. It is also high in essential fatty acids like linoleic acid or omega-6, and linolenic acid or omega-3. It is used for a variety of skin conditions, including dermatitis, acne and eczema. It is suitable for mature and sun burnt skin and is frequently used to heal scarring

Theobroma Cacao (Cocoa) Seed Butter.png__PID:35a618b7-ac12-45f7-b56f-632ad0687220
Theobroma Cacao (Cocoa) Seed Butter

Cocoa Seed Butter has excellent moisturising properties and is excellent for the treatment of dry skin conditions. It is used to keep skin soft and supple and is particularly effective on dry areas of the body.

Triticum Vulgare Germ (Wheat germ) Oil.png__PID:a618b7ac-1245-4735-af63-2ad068722042
Triticum Vulgare Germ (Wheat germ) Oil

Wheat Germ Oil is rich in essential fatty acids that promote cell generation and growth. It is a naturally rich source of Vitamin E. It is particularly good at reducing and treating the appearance of scars and stretch marks.

Vitis Vinifera.png__PID:18b7ac12-45f7-456f-a32a-d06872204245
Vitis Vinifera (Common Grape Vine)

Vitis Vinifera has natural antioxidant properties. It helps to condition and treat the skin. It helps to correct discolouration and improve skin’s texture. Vitis vinifera ingredients will help to improve the look, feel, and the health of your skin thanks to its many potent antioxidants and flavonoids.

Hamamelis Virginiana Leaf Extract (Witch Hazel).png__PID:bf37efcb-3cfa-42fa-bd1a-5e24c73f35a6
Hamamelis Virginiana Leaf Extract (Witch Hazel)

Hamamelis Virginiana (Witch Hazel) Leaf Extract helps in soothing skin thanks to its excellent anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps to fade bruises and blemishes.


We collaborate with leading experts to gain a deep understanding of skin and natural ingredients, ensuring we deliver the best solutions for you. At Human+Kind, our formulations are designed to be gentle on the skin, making them suitable for all skin types.

By harnessing the power of nature, we create products that nourish, protect, and enhance your skin's natural beauty. Our commitment to using high-quality, natural ingredients means you can trust our products to be both effective and kind to your skin.



Vegan + Cruelty Free

Where clean beauty, kindness and sustainability live in harmony. Human+Kind skincare products do not contain any animal by-products or ingredients.


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